Edit button

Movie Menu trenner Edit Button


You cannot just add buttons to your menu, but of course you can also edit the functions of buttons as you like. Just double click on the button or do a right click on it and choose Edit in the context menu.


Movie Menu button1.zoom80 Edit Button


In the new window (see image below) you can define what will happen, if you select that button in the finished menu. The more movies / menu pages you got the more options you have. You can decide for example whether a button activates one movie/all movies to play or jumps to another menu page.


After you checked an option a drop-down menu opens with a list of all films or all menu pages in your project. There you can select which movie or page will be associated with the button. If you have e.g. three movies, you can create three buttons in your menu and associate each with one movie. Now you can start each movie directly in the menu.


Movie Menu button2 Edit Button



Align button

Movie Menu trenner Edit Button

In Ashampoo Movie Menu the programmers added a little gimmick to easily align your buttons in the menu. Just select the square in the middle of the button (see red circle), keep the mouse button pressed and press the key crtl- key to align a button to the center or the alt-key to align it to another object.


Movie Menu align.zoom80 Edit Button



Edit Button