What medium to use?

Movie Menu trenner Select a medium


In this menu you can select where would like Ashampoo Movie Menu to save your project. You have the following two options to choose from. After inserting a medium your selection will be carried out immediately.


Burn on Disc: select this option, if you want to burn your project on a CD/DVD or Blu-Ray Disc.


Save to a folder: saves your project to a folder you want. After checking this option, just click on Browse to select a folder.




Movie Menu selectmedium Select a medium


Setting a size

Movie Menu trenner Select a medium


If you would like to save your project to a folder, you get the option “Size to fit on”. This way your project is saved in a way that it will fit very well on a disc. Depending on the quality (whether Video-DVD or HD), the fitting sizes are displayed. This is an example of a video DVD. When you click on the option in the field a drop-down list will appear and shows you all possible options. Select the desired size or rather option and click  Next >> to proceed.


Movie Menu selectmedium2 Select a medium





Select a medium